A collaborative approach
We’re committed to working closely with key community and sports organisations to make sure their needs are met now and into the future.
We’ve been heartened by the positive and supportive feedback we’ve had to date. We acknowledge some people have concerns about some of the proposed changes and we want to address those concerns together.
We’ve developed high level blueprints for our three key reserves, based on conversations with mana whenua, community and sports organisations, and we will continue to work with these groups on further details and options.
After continued engagement with the groups involved to ensure planned development met their needs, the preliminary plans have now been updated.
Tauranga Domain
Should we build a community stadium at Tauranga Domain?
After embarking upon a programme of work which considers multiple opportunities for community sport, recreation, and events across Tauranga, we’ve assessed the need for a fit-for-purpose stadium at Tauranga Domain. The proposed stadium would be multi-use and accommodate the community, clubs, local cultural events, festivals, professional sports, and commercial concerts. The primary future focus for the community stadium would be an events precinct with a secondary focus on community sports and high-performance sport.
The vast open and flexible spaces available at the Mercury Baypark site in Te Maunga, Mount Maunganui have the potential to be optimised and repurposed to cater to the city's growing population and increasing need for space to play sports and hold recreational activities and events.
The draft master plan for Mercury Baypark proposes a multi-use community sports and recreation hub, with athletics, netball and other court sports, speedway, gymnastics, as well as dedicated green spaces, a playground, and walkways. The draft plan proposes a future focus on community sport, while still delivering events, entertainment, and high-performance sport. We’ll be adding more information about the proposed plans soon.
Blake Park
The vision for Blake Park is that its role as a premier community and high-performance field sports centre evolves and continues to thrive. A key benefit of the master plan and its key moves is that it allows the field space to meet growing and competing demands, and significantly enhances the scope and quality of facilities for community sports clubs and high-performance sports training and events. We’ll be adding more information about the proposed plans soon.
Blake Park
Key reserves site map

Key reserves site map (260kb pdf)