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Whakahoutanga i te papa rāhui o Johnson

Johnson Reserve Renewal Works

The main walking track within Johnson Reserve is closed until late 2025 for wastewater renewals.

Wastewater infrastructure renewal – February 2025

Works to renew the wastewater pipeline running beneath Johnson Reserve resumed in January. Work is scheduled to take place on Waitangi Day.

This project requires the track from James Cook Drive to the connection at Meander Drive to be closed during these works. Tracks on the Waipuna Park side of the reserve, including the renewed boardwalks and bridges, will remain accessible through the duration of works. Tracks at the southern end of the reserve near the waterfall will also remain open.

A community open day is being planned for early 2025 giving an opportunity for the public to meet with the project team on site and learn more about the works. Further information will be available here once a date if confirmed.

New boardwalks and bridges

The boardwalks and connecting bridges in the reserve are ageing and deteriorating, and are some of the oldest boardwalks in the city. To enhance this popular public space, we're replacing the old boardwalks with new, wider boardwalks and renewing five bridges.

The width of the boardwalk and bridges will be increased to two metres without compromising the natural environment surrounding the boardwalks.

Wastewater infrastructure

When the boardwalk and bridge renewal is nearing completion, works to replace the wastewater pipeline running beneath the reserve will begin.

The existing pipeline being removed is approximately 700m long and is now over 40 years old, is undersized, prone to overflows and not meeting service requirements. It runs mostly parallel to the walking track from Welcome Bay Road and the new pipeline will be installed along the existing or similar alignment.

We initially programmed the wastewater aspect of this project to be completed by April 2025 however this is now expected to be completed by late 2025. This is due to a slightly delayed start date, ensuring steps are in place for safely clearing the asbestos pipe and associated subsoil, as well as these works taking place in a confined space.

Replacing this pipeline is essential work and an important step to ensure Welcome Bay has a quality wastewater network.

Public access

Sections of the reserve will be closed to the public while construction is underway.

We’ll be keeping the community up to date on accessibility throughout the construction period, with signs and barriers in place to inform users of closures, and updates in Council’s Weekly Bulletin newsletter

Boardwalk renewal: Work to renew boardwalks and bridges within Johnson Reserve was completed in December 2024.

Wastewater upgrade: The red line shown below indicates the track which is closed during works. Tracks on the Waipuna Park side of the reserve, including the renewed boardwalks and bridges, will remain accessible through the duration of works. Tracks at the southern end of the reserve near the waterfall will also remain open.

Frequently asked questions

We’re undertaking this wastewater infrastructure renewal work now as the existing pipeline is undersized, prone to overflows, and more than 40 years old. This is essential work to install a new, fit for purpose pipeline that will ensure Welcome Bay has a quality wastewater network for the coming decades.

The pipeline being renewed is 700m long and is located near the main walking track within the reserve, starting at the James Cook Drive end.

We need to close a longer portion of the walking track, compared to the length of pipe being renewed, as there are only two truck access points at James Cook Drive and Victory Street. Both of these access points need to be used throughout the works period due to the confined working space and no turnaround areas within the reserve.

This work is being carried out in stages although this does not change how the track closures are managed due to the limited access point for material to be removed and brought into the site.

The area allowed for a wastewater pipeline in Johnson Reserve is very confined due to the surrounding wetland and vegetation, and route of the walking track, meaning the existing pipeline needs to be removed in order for a new pipeline to be installed.

Signage advising of the track closure and works are within the reserve and at track entrances. We are also planning a community information drop in session for early 2025.

Construction will pause between Friday, 20 December 2024 to Monday, 13 January 2025 where the entire reserve will be open. The recently renewed boardwalk and bridges will remain open during the wastewater infrastructure works period as well as the tracks at the southern end of the reserve near the waterfall.

The expected completion date of this work has been extended from April 2025 to late 2025 due to a slightly delayed start date, ensuring steps are in place for safely clearing the asbestos pipe and associated subsoil, as well as these works taking place in a confined space.

There’s a nearby walking track at Riverstone Drive to Welcome Bay Road, which connects Riverstone Park and Owens Park. Additional Tauranga walkways can be found here: www.tauranga.govt.nz/walkways

Key information

Project type
Parks and recreation


Welcome Bay / Ohauiti / Oropi


  • Work to renew boardwalks and bridges

    August 2024 - late 2024
  • Work to renew wastewater pipeline

    Late 2024 - late 2025

Who's listening?

Missy Mullaney
City Waters


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