The 500m2 building will be complemented by great outdoor spaces that will meet the needs of the community now and in the future.
The Gate Pā Community Centre will be more than just a physical building. It’s about creating a central hub where the communities of Gate Pā can gather, feel safe, welcomed, develop new friendships and learn new skills.
The community centre will be something the community can own and be proud of, and becomes part of their identity. It will support the community to enhance their own wellbeing and create a more connected and inclusive community.
Everyone will be able to use the community centre. The community centre will provide a variety of professional services and advice; community programmes and events; multi-purpose rooms; a computer/digital hub, a kitchen for food preparation, kaumatua services, and a community noticeboard.
Gate Pā Community Centre Trustees
Ron Scott, Greer Golding and Doug Barnes have been appointed to the board of the newly established Gate Pā Community Centre Charitable Trust.
The Trust will govern the new Gate Pā Community Centre on behalf of the residents of Gate Pā and the community and will oversee the management of the centre.
Ron, Greer and Doug were successfully appointed through a formal Trustee appointment process that took place over the latter half of 2024.

Greer Golding (from left), Ron Scott and Doug Barnes are looking forward to embedding themselves into their new roles as Gate Pā Community Centre Trustees.
About the Trustees
Ron Scott JP
Ron is a Gate Pā local and an elected member of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. He also sits on the boards of the Blind Foundation, SILC Charitable Trust, Workbridge, the AA National Council and Consumer NZ.
“I’m thrilled to be part of establishing the Gate Pā Community Centre. The Gate Pā Community Centre is an exciting project because it creates a social centre for the Gate Pā community.”
Greer Golding
Locally born and bred, Greer attended Tauranga Girls' College and her family owned a bicycle shop in the Gate Pā area for 34 years until recently.
“I am excited to be a part of the Gate Pā Community Centre. My family and I have always been supporters of the local community and were proud to attend one of the first events at Anzac Park, which sparked the conversation that led to the creation of the community centre project.”
Doug Barnes
Doug moved to Gate Pā in 2014 and quickly became involved in the local community, attending a newly formed Gate Pā stakeholders’ group that was set up to discuss the needs within the community. The idea of the community centre came from this group.
“I took the lead in submitting to Tauranga City Council for our community centre. I am passionate about the community centre as it will bring the community together to address the needs within the community. It will be a place where people are valued, and a place where they feel they belong.”
Engagement with interested individuals and organisations, mana whenua and the Gate Pā community