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Maunganui Safety improvements

Whakahaumarutanga rori ki Maunganui

Maunganui Road safety improvements

We’re making Maunganui Road safer and more attractive.

Update 13 February: Overnight road and lane closure, new dates due to weather

We’re resurfacing a small section of Maunganui Road between Hull Road and Kupe Avenue. This work protects the foundation of the road and prevents potholes and is part of the final remedial works for the safety improvements project. These works were originally scheduled for Sunday, 9 February to Tuesday, 11 February 2025 but, due to wet weather, have been rescheduled to the following dates. Works remain weather dependent. The work will be done in two sections.

The Hull Road and Maunganui Road intersection will be closed Sunday, 23 February and Monday, 24 February, between 9pm and 6am. Tweed Street will remain open.

The Maunganui Road northbound lane (heading towards the Mount) will be closed between Kupe Ave and Tweed Street on Tuesday, 25 February and Wednesday, 26 February between 9pm and 6am. Tweed Street will remain open.

Detour signage will be in place to direct traffic.

We know that speed is a long-standing challenge on Maunganui Road. With this safety upgrade, we’re aiming to create a calmer, safer environment for everyone who travels through the area. The new road layout includes traffic lanes and roundabouts that are designed to encourage drivers to naturally reduce their speed. Other improvements include safer bike paths, pedestrian crossing points, new roundabouts, and more greenery along the road.

We’re aiming to complete this work in the final quarter of 2024, depending on the weather and other factors outside of our control. Thanks for your patience and consideration while we get this work done and please be kind to the construction team, they are just doing their job.

Project overview

We’re completing this project in four sections:

  • Tui Street to Hull Road - Commenced 13 March
  • Golf Road to Tui Street - Complete
  • Hinau Street to Sutherland Avenue - Complete
  • Hull Road to Hinau Street - Complete

Tui Street to Hull Road

We’ve completed the safety improvements around the new skatepark - building a new shared path, new signalised crossings for safer access, and adding traffic lights to the intersection of Tweed Street and Maunganui Road.

Now work has begun on the portion between Central Parade and Tui Street.

Some of the improvements and upgrades include: 

  • Extending the shared path from the skatepark to Dee Street.
  • Better bus stops and shelters.
  • Closure of the Heath Street and Maunganui Road intersection.
  • A new roundabout at the intersection of Kupe Avenue and Maunganui Road.
  • Safer cycle lanes.

The road designs were shared at community open days, and workshops with businesses, Mount Maunganui College, and the Returned Services Association, and the feedback has been largely supportive of the upgrades, providing some valuable local insight.

Central Parade businesses and car parks remain open during construction and Heath Street is still accessible via the Central Parade carpark entrance or the adjacent side roads.

Separable portion 1 drawing (2.2mb pdf)

Hull Road to Tui Street general arrangement drawings (13.3mb pdf)

Mount Maunganui render

Maunganui Road render

Maunganui Road render

Maunganui Road 4

Golf Road to Tui Street and Hinau Street to Sutherland Avenue

These  much loved and well used sections of Maunganui Road have seen an increase in the volume of traffic and numbers of cyclists and pedestrians. To keep everyone safe, a range of improvements have been implemented to create a safer, greener space. We’ve also used the opportunity to upgrade the road surface, kerbs and drainage infrastructure.

Work in these sections of Maunganui Road includes:

  • solid grassed median strip with trees/plantings
  • improved cycling facilities and connections to existing cycleways
  • new roundabouts at Tui Street, Hinau Street, Matai Street and Sutherland Avenue
  • improved pedestrian crossing points between Hinau Street and Sutherland Avenue
  • new kerbs and improved stormwater drainage

Golf Road to Tui Street - Detailed design (10.1mb pdf)

Hinau Street to Sutherland Avenue - Detailed design (18.7mb pdf)

Latest updates

  • Between Golf Road and Tui Street, outstanding work includes the installation of some small traffic islands and the cycle way at the Tui Street roundabout and some finishing touches at the Golf Road roundabout.
  • Between Sutherland Avenue and Hinau Street, a number of elements are outstanding, including the permanent roundabout at Hinau Street, lifting of the shared path at the Puriri Street corner of the roundabout at Sutherland Avenue, planting of the garden beds and some other finishing touches.

Hull Road to Hinau Street

Improvements in this section were competed in 2021 and include increased parking spaces, two new roundabouts, a 3 metre shared pathway, and improved connections to other cycle paths.

  • formalised car parking, change some to angle parking and provide more than 160 additional parking spaces at Blake Park and the Mount Action Centre
  • 3 metre wide shared footpath/cycleway adjacent Blake Park
  • new Blake Park/Bay Oval entrance and footpath link.
  • new roundabouts at Clyde Street and Tay Street
  • solid grassed median strip with trees/plantings
  • improved pedestrian crossing points
  • road resurfacing with asphaltic concrete
  • new streetlighting
  • new roadmarkings

Common questions

As this project aims to make Maunganui Road significantly safer, we will be removing right turns onto Terrace Avenue and Bain Street.

Right turns are generally more complex than left turns and are a major contributor to accidents, often involving the most vulnerable road users; pedestrians and cyclists. Before closing any right turn access, impacts and the expected benefits are carefully considered.

Access to side roads via the new roundabouts take approximately 200 metres of extra driving. This may easily be offset by not having to wait for a gap in oncoming traffic, it will most definitely be safer.

Tauranga is growing and changing fast - this includes more people and more traffic.

To help manage traffic congestion as the city grows, we need to provide our community with a safe, reliable and easy choice between different ways to get around the city.

The design at Maunganui Road offers different ways to walk or cycle. Cyclists can use the designated on road bike paths or use the shared path off road – catering for people of different abilities and confidence levels.

We appreciate that the impact of work is directly affecting local businesses.

This work is disruptive and has an effect on traffic and people’s ability to access businesses easily.

We will typically only renew a road such as Maunganui Road every 20-30 years, which puts the overall impact of construction in perspective. The safety upgrade will make a difference for generations to come.

Whilst we can't not do the construction, we are working with businesses in the area to try and minimise the impacts where we can.

We work with individual business owners to understand their priorities, this continues as work progresses and impacts change.

After discussion with businesses in the area, the timing of the work at this location was delayed from the original schedule to avoid the peak trading season. The work is also scheduled to be completed prior to the busy summer trading season.

Key information

Project type
Transport and movement


Mount Maunganui / Arataki

Key dates

  • Tawa Street to Sutherland Avenue

  • Hull Road to Hinau Street

    March 2019 to June 2021
  • Golf Road to Tui Street

    Expected completion second half of 2023
  • Hinau Street to Sutherland Avenue

    Expected completion second half of 2023
  • Tui Street to Hull Road

    Commenced March 2024
  • Expected completion

    Final quarter of 2024
  • Final remediation works

    February to March 2025

Who's listening

Transportation Team
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

Other ways to get involved

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