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Haumanutanga o Kōpūrererua whenua rāhui

Kōpūrererua Valley Reserve Restoration

Kōpūrererua Valley Reserve (the valley) is one of Tauranga’s largest reserves and provides a variety of different recreational and ecological experiences on your doorstep. 

Latest update

Earthworks on the riverbanks of the Kopurererua River to enhance bank stability have now been completed. This work is critical in reducing erosion, which in turn helps to protect water quality by minimising sediment runoff into the river system. Stabilised banks also play a vital role in mitigating the impacts of flooding by reducing water velocity and promoting natural filtration processes.

In May 2025 representatives from Ngāi Tamarāwaho will plant and maintain this section of the awa. Native vegetation planting not only contributes to bank stability but also enhances biodiversity and creates habitats for local wildlife. The roots of native plants will help anchor the soil, reducing the risk of future erosion, while their foliage provides shade to the river, improving water quality by regulating temperatures and supporting aquatic ecosystems.

Planting activity may cause temporary disruptions to walkways.

It’s the only inner-city reserve in Tauranga, covering 364 hectares.

In partnership with Ngāi Tamarāwaho and Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Tauranga City Council is leading the work on this significant project.

Restoration work of the Kōpūrererua Valley Reserve kicked off in early 2022 and the southern stream realignment was completed in early 2023. A significant milestone was achieved with the completion of the northern stream alignment in April 2024. The completion sees the water flow through the realignment signalling the return to its original course through the valley.

With the majority of the riparian plants now complete, Kōpūrererua Valley is ready to be enjoyed by all.

What has been achieved:

  • 14,827m3 of material excavated from the southern alignment
  • 9,400m3 of material excavated from the northern alignment
  • 46,000 plants planted and 8000m2 of hydroseed placed
  • 990m of new cycleway track installed
  • Installation of two connector bridges which will create cycling and walking links
  • 1,800+ fish, eels and other aquatic species relocated from the old stream to the new
  • 14,700m3 of fill material placed in the old stream alignment
  • New wetland area created at the southern stream alignment – 3,200m3 excavated
  • Completed bridge approaches and new track
  • 81,000 plants planted in the northern alignment and wetland area since August 2023
  • Installed pump station base, pump, pipework and electrical ducting
  • Final trim and dressing of maintenance track.
  • Northern stream alignment completed
  • Aquatic species relocated from the old to the new northern alignment
  • Old pump station removed
  • Blocking and filling of the old northern stream alignment with approximately 9.300 m2 of fill
  • Plant filled area approx. 25,000 plants.

Where is the valley?

Kōpūrererua Valley Reserve is situated between residential neighbourhoods in Tauranga. Running from Judea in the north to Tauriko in the south, the valley is bordered by the neighbourhoods of Te Reti, Gate Pā, Greerton, Westridge and Cambridge Heights. 

Aerial image of the whole site (1.8mb pdf)

Kōpūrererua Valley was for many years inhabited by the people of Ngāi Tamarāwaho. Remains of the Puketoromiro Pā and other archaeological sites are located throughout the valley. During the 19th century, it was the staging point and retreat path of two significant battles between Māori and British Colonial forces.

The valley is sought after as a recreational and ecological habitat destination, with many visitors and users enjoying this precious natural inner-city jewel.

K Valley Planting Day

Community planting day at Kōpūrererua Valley Reserve

Why is the valley unique to Tauranga?

  • An ecological icon with a promising future and recreation values.
  • A biodiversity area with a range of wildlife, where waterfowl, native birds and native fish species are increasing in numbers close to the city centre and surrounding urban environment. 
  • A transport thoroughfare, a cycle-friendly green route, alive with users and linking neighbourhoods together. 
  • Connection between the Bethlehem residential areas and the Te Papa Peninsula secondary and intermediate schools. 
  • School students able to cycle to school with very little contact with the roads.     


More information about the restoration

Key information

Project type
Major projects
Parks and recreation


Gate Pā / Greerton / Avenues / Merivale

Key dates

  • Construction programme kicks off for southern stream realignment

    Early 2022
  • Riparian plantings start

    June 2022
  • Southern channel opening finishes/restoring the path of Taurikura

    Early 2023
  • Southern stream realignment construction finishes (new cycle trail and wetland)

    End of 2023
  • Northern channel opening finishes/restoring the path of Taurikura

    Early 2024
  • Construction finishes for northern stream realignment

    Mid 2024
  • Majority of riparian plantings taking place

    2023 through to July 2024
  • Riverbank maintenance and planting


Who's listening

Spaces and Places Team
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

We’re partnering with

Bay of Plenty Regional Council logo

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Thriving together, Mō te taiao, mō ngā tāngata

Our work guides and supports the region’s sustainable development and is focused around four community outcomes: a healthy environment, freshwater for life, safe and resilient communities and a vibrant region.

We’re partnering with

Ngāi Tamarāwaho logo

Ngāi Tamarāwaho

Ngāi Tamarāwaho is a hapu of Takitimu and Ngāti Ranginui origin.

The hapū’s ancestors arrived on the Takitimu waka, living and settling in Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty hundreds of years ago. Ngāi Tamarāwaho brings a particular cultural perspective to management of its land and environment. The hapū is acutely aware of its kaitiaki obligations for the land and waters within its rohe.

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